Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Relevant Prayer

Check out author Donald Miller, written several excellent books, my favorite being "Blue Like Jazz", giving the Benediction at the Democratic National Convention...well done.


Monday, August 25, 2008

The Current Fab Five

My wife and I recently upped our Netflix account to 1 movie unlimited rentals a month. Which I think is a great deal for as many movies as we watch. So, we've gotten a little bit more into movies as of late.

In light of our DVD resurgence...this is a five movie recommendation list of films I've seen in the past few months that merit a watch:

1. No Country for Old Men - Very well shot and acted, a tad on the strange side but still an interesting watch. Tommy Lee Jones is always awesome to see act.

2. I Am Legend - I realize I'm a tad behind in the movie watching department but I enjoyed this one so much I had to recommend it. Talk about well done! Scary movie with a great storyline. This movie drew me in so much, I was fully invested in the lead character. Loved it, wish more movies were similar to this one lately.

3. Fever Pitch - I'm not into romantic comedies at all, however it was recommended by a respected source and I checked it out. Very funny and am glad I saw it. One part in the movie in particular made me fall off my couch in laughter and if you know me real well, you'll know what part I'm referring to.

4. Once - Excellent drama based on an independent musician and his budding romance with a female musician. The music in the movie is killer, very well done and actually written and performed by the two lead characters, which makes it more authentic to me.

5. Vantage Point - Innovative political thriller building on techniques made popular through the TV series '24'. Well done and stars a 'Lost' cast member to boot!
