Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Come to This

So, it's taken two stressful weeks to bring me to this point. Here I am. I'm currently going through class number 6 & 7 out of 11 in effort of my degree. And the school work has QUICKLY piled up. If I had a dog at home, I would have kicked him yesterday at 8:35 pm. It took Mt. Jason to erupt and direct all attention to myself before I had the intellectual honesty to bring me where I am currently at.

The Library - at 2:51 PM.

I'm taking a break right now, so don't point da finga at me. Anyway, its funny how stress affects people. It creeps up on me and I start blowing up. Then, I realize, hey you need to get some school work done. And then I look at my primary, secondary and tertiary jobs, along with my wonderful wife and children and realize, it ain't gonna work. So, I took half a day today and will be ALL DAY tomorrow here at the liberry, doing NOTHING but working on this massive amount of school stuff I have to do (and maybe blogging on breaks).

I freaking took ANNUAL LEAVE to be here.

So, if someone would have told me 10 years ago to the day, that I would be at the public LIBRARY doing freaking school work, I would have told that person to slap me right across the face.

Anyway, here I am...this is for the good of my sanity and my family.

Wish me luck.

Back to work...



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